1gr Joint El Jefe


SKU: 11-9-1701
  • Availability: Out of Stock

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Product Description

1gram Pre Rolled Joints are at Cheebas

El Jefe

70% Indica / 30 Sativa



Supernatural1971 2020-06-23 11:39:19

Unlike some I wait min 20 mins after smoking whole spliff/pre-roll or weed...25% THC listed hits @ least 23%THC ! Awesome my fav split 70/30 IND Dom just like GDP similar too El Chapo but more Cuban then Mexican. Taste 10 mineral/plum smokes 10 Effects Superb 9.3 Pricey for a Great pre-roll This is SWEET. TY Cheebas $400 order 0 free but u gave me sanitizer last time I love getting LIGHTERS with your logo as I spread the word to bank tellers, fast food, con stores ect Really liked the Prague Golden papes & filters used to have. Not liking this new review system as Twax cones & $125 0z I can't review & please put them back in order of date not likeness looks shabby Overall Cheebas is the best of the 4 Moms I use Great hash lineup Rocket speed shipping ps I only smoke weed no more hash or vapes Weed YOURS #1 is my bag no zzz/ crash no dizzy like the guy claims in pink lemon Those strains should not cause those unwanted effects maybe on high blood pressure or Cholosteral pills I stopped mine feel sense of smell & L