1500mg THC Capsules Kind Labs Phoenix Tears

Capsules Oils

SKU: 25-60-1671
  • Availability: Out of Stock

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Product Description

Phoenix Tears THC Capsules at Cheebas

Kind Labs know what they are doing and have mixed the THC capsules with coconut extract for maximum bioavailability. Simply put mixing the THC with a fat makes it easier for your body to absorb and the effects to be felt faster.

30 capsules | 50 mg of THC per capsule



Elizabeth Noftall 2021-09-05 09:42:31

This product gave me back my life, i recommend this to anyone who has anxiety, depression. It help me thick more clearng and i am having a great time, since I started taking this product.

Ricky Ricardo 2020-08-23 01:13:18

Great product. Careful not to take more than you can handle. Definitely recommend